4 questions to ask an old friend

Growth is always a goal. We are either growing towards Jesus or away from him. We grow from victory, not for victory. Jesus has won. Rest in his victory, but grow to fight the sin within you knowing that you will fail. Any growth that I talk about is from a place of victory, not of defeat. Growth is for the sake of sanctification, not for justification.

7 lessons from 1 year of marriage

In everything, let the gospel be the narrative of your marriage. Remind yourself of your desperate need for God's grace. Know your sins are forgiven in Christ. Walk in new life knowing the old has passed away and the new is here. Your spouse can't take your sin. Only Jesus. When we surrender to Christ then forgiveness gets easier, patience gets easier, and love gets easier. Because we know that Jesus did it for us.

we have corrupted calling

Our hearts have been conditioned to glorify ourselves. We are all calling-amnesiacs. In the everyday pursuit of making our lives as productive, comfortable, and enjoyable as possible we forget the one who calls us. We have a calling because we have been called. What makes calling confusing is that we are constantly forgetting the one who calls us.

black lives matter

Black lives matter is not an attack on all lives matter.  When I hear well meaning white friends say "all lives matter" my heart cringes at the embedded privilege that saturates the statement. Yet, I have been that friend. I have been the one who has made ignorant assumptions based upon my  21-year-old,  middle class, … Continue reading black lives matter


College has been one of the most stretching, amazing, and growing times of my life and I am only two years in. I know that without my faith, college would've kicked my butt long ago. College is a make it or break it time, and sometimes things that were mandatory growing up fall to the … Continue reading HOW TO FIGHT FOR YOUR FAITH IN COLLEGE


It's ok to not be ok - just don't stay there. MATT CHANDLER One of my all-time favorite stories in the Bible is in Exodus, specifically chapter four. It is when God has a dialogue with Moses through a burning bush. I connect with this passage in more ways than one, but something that I … Continue reading FEELINGS ARE NOTHING TO FEAR